SATs Results at Denbigh

SATS (Standard Assessment Tests) tests are given at the end of Year 2 and Year 6. They are used to show your child’s progress compared with other children across the country. The expected scaled score for children is 100. Any child that has a scaled score of 110 or greater is judged to have greater depth in that subject.

Key Stage 1 SATs

Pupils are assessed through internally marked tests in: Reading, and Maths. They are assessed by Teacher Assessment in Writing. Children in Year 1 will also complete a National Phonic Test. Any children who does not pass this test in Year 1 are required to be re-tested in the Summer Term of Year 2.

Key Stage 1 Analysis

  • Denbigh were above Local Authority and National for the percentage of children attaining the expected standard in Reading, Writing,  Maths and Science.
  • Denbigh were above with Local Authority and National for the percentage of children attaining the greater depth standard in Reading, Writing and broadly in-line with Local and National percentages for Maths.
  • Denbigh were broadly in-line with Local Authority and National for the percentage of children attaining the expected standard in Phonics.

Key Stage 2 SATs

Pupils are assessed through externally marked tests in: Reading, Grammar Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) and Maths. They are assessed by Teacher Assessment in Writing.

Key Stage 2 Analysis

  • Denbigh are above the Local Authority and National figures for the percentage of children attaining the expected standard in Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths.
  • Denbigh are above the National figures for the Average Scaled Score in Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths.
  • Denbigh are above the National figures for the percentage of children attaining the greater depth standard in Reading, Writing, and broadly in-line for the percentage of children achieving the greater depth standard in Maths.
  • Denbigh are above the Local Authority and National figures for the percentage of disadvantaged children attaining the expected standard in Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths.
  • Denbigh are above the Local Authority and National figures for the percentage of SEND children attaining the expected standard in Reading, Writing, and Maths.