*We currently have spaces available in our Nursery for next academic year, including 30 hours spaces for working parents*.
Our Nursery provision, here at Denbigh, offers our full CORE curriculum. From trips to the woods, to sensory massage, from exciting role plays, to adventurous outdoor play, our children have amazing experiences. Our inclusive Early Years curriculum is bespoke to Denbigh Community Primary School and our pupils, so our offer targets exactly what your children need to flourish and grow. Our little caterpillars blossom into butterflies, ready for Reception. 🐛
Ahoy there! As we all know Miss Clarke used to be a pirate and she has collected a range of treasure from her voyages all over the world, including priceless gems. Well, her old arch shipmate Raggybeard has been up to his tricks again. He’s taken the gems and hidden them. He keeps sending us videos where he is in disguise talking about the gemstones! He’s set us some challenges this week to win back the treasure and the precious gemstones. We have had to walk the plank, make telescopes and create treasure maps. So far this week we have won back two gemstones but there are plenty more to collect next week. We need the children of Reception need to keep channeling their inner pirate! #dcpseyfs#dcpscore#dcpsladybird#dcpsbutterfly#dcpsdt#dcpsart#dcpslotc🦜🏴☠️⚓️ ... See MoreSee Less
The children in Reception have been using some very specific skills in their art work this week. We have been blending pastels using our fingers to make different pictures. We have also been practising several printing skills, using stamps, folding paper and making impressions. #dcpsEYFS#dcpsladybird#dcpsbutterfly#dcpscore#dcpsart... See MoreSee Less
The children in Reception have been learning about how to look after their mental health as part of Children’s Mental Health week 2025. We talked about our feelings, we talked about how they can change during the day and things we can do to help keep our minds happy. We talked about things we are good at, things that we enjoy, things we want to get better at and people we can spend time with who make us feel happy. We had some lovely compliments for our friends. 💜 #dcpscore#dcpsEYFS#dcpsladybird#dcpsbutterfly#dcpspshe... See MoreSee Less
Year 1 have had a fantastic art week learning about form. We used clay to practise coiling, joining and creating texture to make a snowflakes #dcpsart#dcpspanda#dcpscore... See MoreSee Less
Year 3 have had a busy few days learning different play scripts thinking about facial expressions, actions and how to engage the audience. Today we went out onto the patio to perform these in the stage! #dcpsturtle#dcpslizard#dcpsenglish#dcpslotc#dcpscore... See MoreSee Less
This week Nursery have been exploring alliteration using their names, making up silly sentences and thinking about initial letter sounds. We have also been practising how we hold our mark making tools as we make different marks like zig zigs, lines and circles. Some children have also been trying to write their names using name cards #dcpsEYFS#dcpscaterpillar#dcpsliteracy... See MoreSee Less
*We currently have spaces available in our Nursery for next academic year, including 30 hours spaces for working parents*.
Our Nursery provision, here at Denbigh, offers our full CORE curriculum. From trips to the woods, to sensory massage, from exciting role plays, to adventurous outdoor play, our children have amazing experiences. Our inclusive Early Years curriculum is bespoke to Denbigh Community Primary School and our pupils, so our offer targets exactly what your children need to flourish and grow. Our little caterpillars blossom into butterflies, ready for Reception. 🐛
Please call the school or speak to a staff member to enquire about places. #dscpseyfs #dcpscaterpillar #dcpscore ... See MoreSee Less
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Ahoy there! As we all know Miss Clarke used to be a pirate and she has collected a range of treasure from her voyages all over the world, including priceless gems. Well, her old arch shipmate Raggybeard has been up to his tricks again. He’s taken the gems and hidden them. He keeps sending us videos where he is in disguise talking about the gemstones! He’s set us some challenges this week to win back the treasure and the precious gemstones. We have had to walk the plank, make telescopes and create treasure maps. So far this week we have won back two gemstones but there are plenty more to collect next week. We need the children of Reception need to keep channeling their inner pirate! #dcpseyfs #dcpscore #dcpsladybird #dcpsbutterfly #dcpsdt #dcpsart #dcpslotc🦜🏴☠️⚓️ ... See MoreSee Less
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We have been learning to use hammers and nails in Reception. It’s a very tricky skill to hold a nail still and carefully tap it with a hammer, avoiding our fingers! It’s been a very noisy week! #dcpseyfs #dcpsladybird #dcpsbutterfly #dcpscore #dcpsdt ... See MoreSee Less
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The children in Reception have been using some very specific skills in their art work this week. We have been blending pastels using our fingers to make different pictures. We have also been practising several printing skills, using stamps, folding paper and making impressions. #dcpsEYFS #dcpsladybird #dcpsbutterfly #dcpscore #dcpsart ... See MoreSee Less
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The children in Reception have been learning about how to look after their mental health as part of Children’s Mental Health week 2025. We talked about our feelings, we talked about how they can change during the day and things we can do to help keep our minds happy. We talked about things we are good at, things that we enjoy, things we want to get better at and people we can spend time with who make us feel happy. We had some lovely compliments for our friends. 💜 #dcpscore #dcpsEYFS #dcpsladybird #dcpsbutterfly #dcpspshe ... See MoreSee Less
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Year 1 have been practising their sentence writing using ‘and’ to join two sentences together #dcpscore #dcpspanda #dcpsenglish ... See MoreSee Less
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Year 1 have had a fantastic art week learning about form. We used clay to practise coiling, joining and creating texture to make a snowflakes #dcpsart #dcpspanda #dcpscore ... See MoreSee Less
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Year 3 have had a busy few days learning different play scripts thinking about facial expressions, actions and how to engage the audience. Today we went out onto the patio to perform these in the stage! #dcpsturtle #dcpslizard #dcpsenglish #dcpslotc #dcpscore ... See MoreSee Less
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This week Nursery have been exploring alliteration using their names, making up silly sentences and thinking about initial letter sounds. We have also been practising how we hold our mark making tools as we make different marks like zig zigs, lines and circles. Some children have also been trying to write their names using name cards #dcpsEYFS #dcpscaterpillar #dcpsliteracy ... See MoreSee Less
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