Home Learning

At Denbigh, we believe in the value of home learning and that is why we have invested heavily in creating a series of virtual classrooms for your child so that we can bring our classrooms to your home.

Whether it be for weekly home learning or whether it be because your child is unable to attend school in person, Denbigh has developed a Google Classroom for your child to provide them with a learning experience similar to their own classroom here at Denbigh.

Every child at Denbigh is allocated a personal Google Learning Account that they can use to access their Google Classroom. Within our Google Classrooms we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects our school provision. Learning is regularly assigned to children and teachers and teaching assistants continually provides challenge and support as our pupils engage in their remote learning.

Technical support is available to our pupils and parents to ensure our virtual classrooms are inclusive.

In additional to our Goolge Classrooms, please find below a series of links that you can use to support your child with their learning. Your child will require a username and password. If your child does not have a username and password then please contact your class teacher via Class Dojo.

*Our home learning activities will be frequently updated during the coronavirus outbreak to support children not able to attend school.

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The Elephants are working really hard in their weekly music lessons with Mr Schofield. They are reading music, playing the ukulele and singing all at the same time! #dcpscore #dcpselephant #dcpsmusic ... See MoreSee Less

The Elephants are working really hard in their weekly music lessons with Mr Schofield. They are reading music, playing the ukulele and singing all at the same time! #dcpscore #dcpselephant #dcpsmusicImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Some Year 4 pen licenses! We are so proud of all of these children 🤩 #dcpscore #dcpselephant ... See MoreSee Less

Some Year 4 pen licenses! We are so proud of all of these children 🤩 #dcpscore #dcpselephantImage attachment

Year 5 Dolphins are enjoying their history and geography unit learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. They can already tell you where the Anglo Saxons came from, where they settled in Britain and why and how many of the place names that we know nowadays originated from an Anglo Saxon meaning. This week, they have been researching Anglo-Saxon life and comparing this to our lives now. #dcpscore #dcpshistory #dcpsgeography #dcpsdolphin #dcpsenglish ... See MoreSee Less

Year 5 Dolphins are enjoying their history and geography unit learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. They can already tell you where the Anglo Saxons came from, where they settled in Britain and why and how many of the place names that we know nowadays originated from an Anglo Saxon meaning. This week, they have been researching Anglo-Saxon life and comparing this to our lives now. #dcpscore #dcpshistory #dcpsgeography #dcpsdolphin #dcpsenglishImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

These past few weeks, Year 5 Dolphins have been loving their weekly bike riding session! Last week they rode all the way to the Rising Sun. They showed great skill on the bikes and followed all instructions really well. Well done Dolphins #dcpsdolphin #dcpscore #dcpslotc #dcpspe ... See MoreSee Less

These past few weeks, Year 5 Dolphins have been loving their weekly bike riding session! Last week they rode all the way to the Rising Sun. They showed great skill on the bikes and followed all instructions really well. Well done Dolphins #dcpsdolphin #dcpscore #dcpslotc #dcpspeImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
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