Subject Lead: Miss Mayhew

We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in order to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of the world through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  Science is taught under the umbrella of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), in half termly weekly blocks. A cross curricular approach is given to the subject with many opportunities for the children to record their work applying both their scientific understanding, English and Maths skills and other cross curricular subject areas such as DT, Art, Music, PE and Topic. Each block of work covers the knowledge needed to gain a deeper understanding of the Science unit and uses a range of practical enquiry work that supports the working scientifically aspect of the learning. Children learn about the scientists who are important in each particular area of STEM. Through an annual bespoke British Science Week or Engineering Week, the children develop a love for STEM and can understand the careers and jobs associated with these chosen disciplines.

Visits are often arranged to enhance the learning within Science via trips such as to The Discovery Museum, Dove Laboratory, Centre for Life, The Energy Centre and Wallsend Park. Visitors also enhance the Science provision through workshops and talks in school such as Technology Tom, Party animals, Space Dome, local health services and Sustainable Science. The children are also given an opportunity to take part in a whale and dolphin watching trip on board the DFDS Seaways to Amsterdam, here they learn about the different sea creatures on board with the ORCA wildlife officers.

Science also has good links within the community such as other local primary schools through our cluster and secondary schools, as well as colleges, universities and industry. Joint projects and learning take place with many of these partners such as the ICE bridge building, RAF projects and STEMtastic.

We have been recognised as outstanding for Science teaching and learning at Denbigh, in 2022 we were accredited the Primary Science Quality Mark at Outreach level.

To achieve the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM), a key set of principles for good Science teaching were created with input from both the staff and pupils. These are used by staff when planning lessons and also form the basis of lesson observations.

Staff at Denbigh know that good Science occurs in our school when…

  • It is led by the children, interests them and is memorable to them.
  • Children are talking, laughing, engaged and enjoying science through a range of interactive and practical activities.
  • Children are actively involved in their own learning, asking questions, looking for the answers, planning their own investigations and taking risks.
  • Science is differentiated and inclusive with children making progress throughout the lesson and unit.
  • Good quality assessment and Assessment For Learning is used to inform planning and builds on children’s prior learning.
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