Subject Lead: Mrs Hammill
The Geography curriculum at Denbigh aims to provide children with a range of cross-curricular opportunities that are closely linked to each year group’s chosen topics. Topics change on a termly basis for every year group through Foundation Stage to Upper Key Stage 2. The aim is to show progression and a development of geographical skills throughout the key stages.
We aim to provide children with a greater understanding of their locational and place knowledge, understanding of physical and human geography and a chance to develop their fieldwork skills through exploring their environment.
Through a variety of learning experiences, including educational visits, children develop a sense of their place in the wider world whilst gaining an understanding of the places around them in their local area, including our school. Children enhance their geographical skills through using and interpreting a range of maps, globes and digital mapping on iPads as well as creating a range of sketches.
We strongly believe that children should have an understanding of how humans can affect their environments over time and use this information to make comparisons between different places. Eco Day and International Day provide children with opportunities to explore global issues and others parts of the world.