Design Technology

Subject Lead: Mrs Robinson

Design Technology (DT) at Denbigh is taught through designated DT weeks, which are undertaken termly. Staff teach children a range of skills that are progressive across the age range of the children.

In EYFS children are encouraged to explore a range of construction equipment, junk modelling, both indoors and outdoors, designing and building for a purpose, while also learning the vocabulary that is associated with this.  In conjunction with our STEM learning, children are encourage to use scissors, tape and glue with increasing independence to think creatively, solving problems and evaluating their success, through first hand experiences.

In KS1 and KS2, staff allocate objectives across the year, using appropriate curriculum coverage based on need and key skills. The tasks are made to support the topic area e.g. a Tudor house, Egyptian headdress or Victorian bridges. This helps the children to develop a deeper understanding of their topic knowledge via the practical aspect of Design Technology.

At Denbigh we use a variety of teaching and learning styles in order to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. We provide children with opportunities to experiment and explore a range of media and tools, in order to make discoveries for themselves. We provide guidance through specific teaching of a range of techniques and use tools, as is appropriate, to the age and stage of development of the children.

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