Subject Lead: Miss Chambers
At Denbigh we believe in providing our children with opportunities to deepen their cultural experiences and knowledge of the world. We believe that a high-quality languages education fosters pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. We deliver stimulating and practical MFL lessons that enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. Our curriculum provides opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read in the foreign language. We develop their understanding of other countries and provide opportunities to develop their knowledge of other countries cultures as well as holding a knowledge and understanding of their language.
Threshold Concept : Writing
Milestone 1: Write some single words from memory.

Threshold Concept : Writing
Milestone 2: Write words and short phrases from memory.

Show that he/she recognises words and phrases heard by responding appropriately
Follow simple instructions and link pictures or actions to language
When listening to stories, rhymes or songs, join in with repeated sections and identify particular phonemes and rhyming words
Ask and answer simple questions, for example about personal information
Repeat sentences heard and make simple adaptations to them
Use mostly accurate pronunciation and speak clearly when addressing an audience
Use simple adjectives such as colours and sizes to describe things orally
Recognise some familiar words and phrases in written form
Read some familiar words aloud using mostly accurate pronunciation
Learn and remember new words encountered in reading
Write some single words from memory
Use simple adjectives such as colours and sizes to describe things in writing
Record descriptive sentences using a word bank
Recognise the main word classes e g nouns, adjectives and verbs
Understand that nouns may have different genders and can recognise clues to identify this, such as the difference in articles
Have basic understanding of the usual order of words in sentences in the target language
Show understanding of a range of familiar spoken phrases, for example through acting out part of a familiar story heard
Listen to and accurately repeat particular phonemes in songs and rhymes and begin to make links to spellings
Notice that the target language may contain different phonemes and that some similar sounds may be spelt differently to English
Ask and answer a range of questions on different topic areas
Using familiar sentences as models, make varied adaptations to create new sentences
Read aloud using accurate pronunciation and present a short learned piece for performance
Read a range of familiar written phrases and sentences, recognising their meaning and reading them aloud accurately
Follow the written version of a text he/she is listening to
Begin to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words within a familiar text using contextual and other clues
Write words and short phrases from memory
Use a range of adjectives to describe things in more detail, such as describing someone’s appearance
Write descriptive sentences using a model but supplying some words from memory
Recognise a wider range of word classes including pronouns and articles, and use them appropriately
Understand that adjectives may change form according to the noun they relate to, and select the appropriate form
Recognise questions and negative sentences
Gain an overall understanding of an extended spoken text which includes some familiar language, for example summarising in English the key points of what he/she has heard in the target language
Identify different ways to spell key sounds, and select the correct spelling of a familiar word
Take part in conversations and express simple opinions giving reasons
Adapt known complex sentences to reflect a variation in meaning
Begin to use intonation to differentiate between sentence types
Create a short piece for presentation to an audience
Read aloud and understand a short text containing mostly familiar language, using fairly accurate pronunciation
Learn a song or poem using the written text for support
Use dictionaries to extend vocabulary on a given topic and develop his/her ability to use different strategies to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words
Write phrases and some simple sentences from memory and write a short text such as an email with support from a word/phrase bank
Use a wide range of adjectives to describe people and things, and use different verbs to describe actions
Know how to conjugate some high frequency verbs
Understand how to make changes to an adjective in order for it to ‘agree’ with the relevant noun
Adapt sentences to form negative sentences and begin to form questions
Understand longer and more challenging texts on a range of topic areas, recognising some details and opinions heard
Apply knowledge of phonemes and spelling to attempt the reading of unfamiliar words
Engage in longer conversations, asking for clarification when necessary
Create his/her own sentences using knowledge of basic sentence structure
Use pronunciation and intonation effectively to accurately express meaning and engage an audience
Read aloud and understand a short text containing unfamiliar words, using accurate pronunciation
Attempt to read a range of texts independently, using different strategies to make meaning
Use vocabulary learnt from reading in different contexts and use dictionaries to find a wide range of words
Write a range of phrases and sentences from memory and adapt them to write his/her own sentences on a similar topic
Select appropriate adjectives to describe a range of things, people and places and appropriate verbs to describe actions
Begin to use some adverbs
Know how to conjugate a range of high frequency verbs
Understand how to use some adverbs in sentences
Have an awareness of similarities and differences in grammar between different languages