Subject Lead: Miss Clarke
We strongly believe in the importance of art in developing our children. As a result of our passion and commitment to Art, we are currently a Gold Standard Artsmark school. At Denbigh is taught in several ways. We teach art through designated art weeks which are undertaken termly. Staff teach children a range of skills based on different strands of Art each term. The skills are progressive across the age range of the children.

In EYFS Art falls into the area of Expressive Arts and Design, although much of the art in EYFS is taught in conjunction with other areas of learning. Children are encouraged to develop their imagination and creativity. Children are introduced to a range of materials and resources e.g. learning how to apply and mix paint, how chalks and pastels can be applied to different papers etc and they learn the vocabulary that is associated with this. As they progress through EYFS children are encouraged to become more independent in their exploration, having access to paint and resources to support their own lines of enquiry and play.
In KS1 and KS2 staff allocate objectives across the year, using appropriate curriculum coverage based on need and key skills and then make tasks to fit to support the topic
At Denbigh we use a variety of teaching and learning styles in order to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding.
All teaching ensures full coverage of the themes of colour, texture, tone, form, space, line, shape and pattern. We provide children with opportunities to experiment with and explore a wide range of media and tools in order to make discoveries for themselves. We provide guidance through specific teaching of a range of techniques and use of tools as is appropriate to the stage of development and individual needs.
Threshold Concept: Using a Range of Materials
Milestone 1:
- Create a repeating pattern using a given technique

Threshold Concept: Using a Range of Materials
Milestone 2:
- Experiment with a range of materials and use these techniques in the completed piece of work.

Threshold Concept: Using a Range of Materials
Milestone 3
- Develop different ideas which can be used and explain his/ her choices for the materials and techniques used.

Threshold Concept: Drawing, painting and sculpture
Milestone 1
- Create moods in drawings and paintings

Threshold Concept: Drawing, painting and sculpture
Milestone 2
- Use a sketchbook for recording observations

Threshold Concept: Drawing, painting and sculpture
Milestone 3
- Express emotions accurately through sketching and painting.

Threshold Concept: Art and Design Technique
Milestone 1
- To draw lines of different shapes and thickness.

Threshold Concept: Art and Design Technique
Milestone 2

Threshold Concept: Art and Design Technique
Milestone 3
- Create an accurate print design that meets a given criteria.

Threshold Concept: Range of artists, craft makers and designers
Milestone 1
- Describe what he/she can see and like in the work of another artist.

Threshold Concept: Range of artists, craft makers and designers
Milestone 2
- Compare the work of different artists.

Threshold Concept: Range of artists, craft makers and designers
Milestone 3:
- Describe the work and ideas of various artists, architects and designers using appropriate vocabulary and refer to historical and cultural contexts.

Threshold Concept: Evaluation and reflection
Milestone 1:
- I’ve reasons for his/her preferences when looking at art/craft or design work.

Threshold Concept: Evaluation and reflection
Milestone 2:
- Suggest improvements to work by keeping notes in a sketch book.

Threshold Concept: Evaluation and reflection
Milestone 3:
- Use sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others.

Use artwork to record ideas observations and experiences
Communicate something about themselves in drawing and paintings
Create moods in drawings and paintings
Name the primary and secondary colours
Experiment with different techniques and materials to design and make products
Draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil
Create a repeating pattern by printing using a given technique
Cut, roll and coil materials such as clay, dough or plasticine
Explain which colours are needed to be mixed to make secondary colours
Use a painting program to create a picture
Explain what he/she likes about the work of others
Describe what he/she can see and like in the work of another artist
Try out different activities and make sensible choices about what to do next
Use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it
Use different grades of pencil in drawings
Use charcoal, pencil and pastels
Explain which pencil he/she would use for different features of a drawing
Select particular techniques to create a chosen product
Mix paint to create all the secondary colours
Mix a brown shade of paint
Make tints by adding white and tones by adding black
Create a print using pressing, rolling, rubbing and stamping
Use simple IT mark-making tools, e.g. Brush and pen tools
Give reasons for his/her preferences when looking at art/craft or design work
Create a piece of work in response to another artists work
Say how other artists have used colour, pattern and shape
Use a sketchbook for recording observations, for experimenting with techniques and planning out ideas
Use own sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes
Experiment with different materials to create a range of effects and use these techniques in the completed piece of work
Use different grades of pencil shade, to show different tones and textures
Create a background using a wash
Use a range of brushes to create different effects
Use the printed images taken with a digital camera and combine them with other media to produce art work
Use IT programs to create a piece of work that includes own work and that of others (using web)
Know about some of the great artists, architects and designers in history and describe their work
Compare the work of different artists
Explore work from other cultures
Explore work from other periods of time
Suggest improvements to work by keeping notes in sketch books
Use a sketchbook for collecting ideas and developing a plan for a completed piece of artwork
Use taught technical skills to improve his/her work
Use sketch books to express feelings about various techniques, subjects and outline likes and dislike
Begin to show facial expressions and body language in own sketches and paintings
Identify and draw simple objects and use marks and lines to produce texture
Organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figure and forms in movement
Show reflections in own paintings and drawings
Print onto different materials using at least four colours
Articulate how he/she might improve own work using technical terms and reasons
Describe some key ideas, techniques and working practices of artists, architects and designers who he/she has studied
Explain art from other periods of history
Develop different ideas which can be used and explain his/her choices for the materials and techniques used
Identify and draw simple objects and use marks and lines to produce texture
Successfully use shading to create mood and feeling
Organize, line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement
Successfully use shading to create mood and feeling
Express emotions accurately through painting and sketching
Create an accurate print design that meets a given criteria
Confidently and systematically investigate the potential of new and unfamiliar materials and use these learnt techniques within his/her own work
Scan images and take digital photos, and use software to alter them, adapt them and create work with meaning
Work with chalk and charcoal to produce work that conveys depth
Have a clear understanding about how to join clay so that the model remains intact
Evaluate his/her own work against an intended outcome
Use sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others
Research and discuss various artists and architects and designers and discuss their process and explain how these were used in the finished product
Experiment with different styles which artists have used
Learn about the work of others by looking at own work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information
Select ideas based on first hand observations, experience or imagination and develop these through open ended research
Ensure sketches communicate emotions and a sense of self with accuracy and imagination
Explain why he/she has combined different tools to create drawings
Explain why he/she chosen specific drawing techniques
Refine his/her use of learnt techniques
Use a wide range of techniques in own paintings
Overprint using different colours
Combine graphic and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of own sketch books
Adapt his/her own final work following feedback or discussion based on preparatory ideas
Adapt and refine work to reflect meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in sketch books
Describe the work and ideas of various artists, architects and designers, using appropriate vocabulary and referring to historical and cultural contexts
Ensure sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items
Say what work is influenced by
Include technical aspect in work, e.g. Architectural design
Explain and justify preferences towards different styles and artists
Make a record about styles and qualities in work